Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 02' 2011 - Saturday

Famous Events:

999 - Pope Sylvester II (Gerbert of Aurillac) elected as 1st French Pope. He endorsed & promotes the study of arithmetic, mathematics & astrology. Due to his strict rules & regulations, he also called as ‘Sorcerer in Devil’s League’.

1416 - Alfonso V succeeds his father as king of Aragon. He was one of the most prominent figures of the early Renaissance and a knight of the Order of the Dragon.

1792 - US Coinage Act was passed. Thus results in authorization of $10 Eagle, $5 half-Eagle & 2.50 quarter-Eagle gold coins & silver dollar, ½ dollar, quarter, dime & half-dime. It was controlled by Federal Banks.

1800 - 1st performance of Ludwig von Beethoven's 1st Symphony in C minor. This was said to be best classical compositions ever in history. 

1819 - 1st successful agricultural journal ("American Farmer") begins. This magazine deals about plantation & farming articles.

1845 - French physicists Armand H. L. Fizeau and J. Leon Foucault take the 1st photograph of the sun. This event later lets to experimenting with methods to determine the speed of Light.

1902 - 1st motion picture theater opens (LA), The Electric Theatre, 262 South Main Street, Los Angeles. This place now turned to be Capital of Motion Pictures.

1905 - Cairo-Cape town railway opens. This plan was initiated at the end of the 19th century, during the time of colonial rule, largely under the vision of Cecil Rhodes, in the attempt to connect adjacent African possessions of the British Empire through a continuous line from SA to Egypt.

1917 - Jeannette Rankin becomes 1st women member of US House of Reps. She was the pacifist, who voted against US entry of WW1 & WW2. She was the only women to elect on Congress from Montana.

1921 – German born Physicist Prof Albert Einstein lectures in New York City on his new theory of relativity. By this theory, he was named as Father of Modern Physics & also received 1921 Nobel Prize.

1926 - Riots between Moslems & Hindus in Calcutta. Also known as ‘Great Calcutta Killing’, which lets to 10000 dead & many wounded. It remains the controversial episode of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh interpretation.

1935 - Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (Scotland) patents RADAR. This system provided the vital advance information that helped the Royal Air Force win the Battle of Britain.

1958 - National Advisory Council on Aeronautics renamed NASA. Then space research budget was raised to $540 by Prez Eisenhower. And also started perform military research.

1963 - USSR launches Luna 4; missed Moon by 8,500 km
1964 - USSR launches Zond 1 to Venus; no data returned

1966 - Soviet Union's Luna 10 becomes 1st spacecraft to orbit Moon

1970 - Qatar gains independence from Britain. And Maroon & White colored flag adopted.

1975 - Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees flee from the Quang Ngai Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops.

1996 – Singapore ODI: Sri Lanka 9-349 beat Pakistan 10-315. Jayasuriya hits ton in 48 balls, world ODI record.

2004 - Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid. Their attack is thwarted.
2005 - James Stewart Jr. becomes 1st African American to win a major motor sports event.

2006 - Over 60 tornadoes break out; hardest hit is Tennessee with 29 people killed.

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