Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 31'2011 - Thursday

Famous Events:

1651 - Great Earthquake at Cuzco Peru, which results in damage of more than half buildings in the city.

 1870 - 1st black to vote in US ( Thomas P Mundy of Perth Amboy NJ )

1878Jack Johnson is 1st black to hold a heavyweight boxing title. Nicknamed as 'Galveston Giant'.

1889 - 300m Eiffel Tower officially opens (commemorates French Revolution)


1903 - Richard Pearse flies monoplane several hundred yards (NZ). According to witness, he was the 1st one, who flew & landed a powered machine (plane), some 9 months before wright bros.

1917 - US purchases Danish West Indies for $25M & renames them Virgin Islands.

1933 - 1st newspaper published on pine pulp paper, "Soperton News" (Ga)

1933 - German Republic gives power to Hitler

 1935 - Fusahige Suzuki runs world record marathon (2:27:49)

1983 - Earthquake in Colombia kills some 5,000 people

1986 - 167 die when Mexicana Airlines Boeing 727 crashes

1996 - Space Shuttle STS 76 (Atlantis 16), lands

2007 - In Sydney, Australia, 2.2 million people take part in the first Earth Hour.

2008 - Aloha Airlines, a bankrupt airline, permanently ends passenger service

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March 30' 2011 - Wednesday

Famous Events:

240 BC - 1st recorded perihelion passage of Haley's Comet. This kinda comets are short period & visible to naked eye from Earth. Usually occurs once in 75 years. Next occurrence may be, by mid 2061.

1856 - The Crimean War comes to end, as Russia signs 'Peace Of Paris'. This war was fought between Russian empire & an alliance of  French empire, British empire & Ottomon empire over territories conflict. It last for the period of 1853 to 1856. It was also called Russo-Ottoman Wars.

1858 - Pencil with attached eraser patented ( Hyman L Lipman of Phila )

 1867 - US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 (2 cents an acre ). This deal was also called as Seaword Folly', which was named after then US secretary.


1919 - Gandhi announces resistance against Rowlatt Act. This act was passed by British govt, in colonial India, as indefinitely extending emergency measures from WW1. This move was taken to control public unrest & root out conspiracy. Whereas Sidney Rowlatt used this act to imprison freedom fighters. Thus results in uproar.

1945 - USSR invades Austria during WW II. 

1949 - Riot break down in Iceland, when their parliament Alþingi decides to join NATO forces. This event also considered as an attempted of coup d'état by the communist minority.

1950 - Phototransistor invention announced, Murray Hill, NJ

1954 - Test Cricket debut for Garfield Sobers (WI), against England in Jamaica. He made impression by bagging 4/75 & scoring 26*. He then continued playing the game for over 20 years. Also captained Windies in so many tournaments.

1970 - USSR wins its 8th straight world hockey championship. This team was led by goaltender, Vladislav Tretiak & fowards Valeri Kharlamov, Alexander Yakushev, Vladimir Petrov and Boris Mikhailov. They continued dominance in Olympics too.

1990 - Jack Nicklaus made his debut in the "Seniors" golf tournament. He was called as 'The Golden Bear'

2006 - Marcos Pontes is the 1st Brazilian astronaut in space. He also 1st Lusophone & only Brazilian to complete NASA Space Training.

2006 - UK Terrorism Act 2006 becomes law. It also known as 'National Identity Act', where by providing Unique IDs to all citizens & NRIs. This step was taken to fight against terrorism.

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