Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19' 2011 - Tuesday

Famous Historical Events:

1770 - Capt James Cook 1st sees Australia

1906 - SF Earthquake ends killing 452

1910 - Halley's comet seen by naked eye 1st time this trip (Curacao)

1919 - Leslie Irvin of US makes 1st parachute jump & free fall

1932 - Pres Herbert Hoover suggests 5 day work week

1936 - First day of the Great Uprising in Palestine.

1941 - Milk rationed in Holland

1945 - The diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Guatemala are established.

1947 - French ship explodes in Texas City harbor, kills about 522
1959 - Uprising in La Paz Bolivia, fails

1971 - USSR Salyut 1 launched; 1st manned lab in orbit

1972 - Bangladesh becomes a member of British Commonwealth

1972 - Hungary revises constitution
1975 - India launches 1st satellite with help of USSR

1982 - Sally Ride announced as 1st woman astronaut

1985 - Advance Australia Fair is proclaimed as Australia's national anthem, and green and gold as the national colours.

 2005 - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16' 2011 - Saturday

Famous Historical Events:

1853 - The first passenger rail opens in India, from Bori Bunder, Bombay to Thane.

1854 - San Salvador, Central America, destroyed by earthquake, 800 Lives Lost and $12,000,000 of Property Destroyed.

1862 - Slavery abolished in District of Columbia

1871 - German Empire ends all anti-Jewish civil restrictions

1900 - US Post Office issues 1st books of postage stamps

1912 - Harriet Quimby becomes 1st woman pilot to cross English Channel

1924 - Child labor laws strengthened in Holland

1939 - Stalin requests British, French & Russian anti-nazi pact

1945 - US troops enter Nuremberg, Germany, during WW II

1947 - Lens to provide zoom effects demonstrated (NYC)

1948 - Organization for European Economic Cooperation (EEC) forms in Paris

1956 - 1st solar powered radios go on sale

1964 - 9 men sentenced 25-30 years for Britain's 1963 "Great Train Robbery"

1964 - Geraldine Mock of US is 1st woman to fly solo round the world

1966 - Rhodesian PM Ian Smith breaks diplomatic relations with Britain

1972 - Apollo 16 launched; 5th manned lunar landing (Decartes Highlands)

2007 - Virginia Tech massacre: The deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. The gunman, Seung-Hui Cho, shoots 32 people to death and injures 23 others before committing suicide.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14' 2011 - Thursday

Famous Historical Events:
966 - Christianization of Poland. The next significant step in Poland's adoption of Christianity was the establishment of various ecclesiastical organs in the country during the 10th and 11th centuries. This included the building of cathedrals and the appointment of clergy. This date should not be confused as the independence day of Poland.

1611 - Word "telescope" is 1st used (Prince Federico Cesi)
1777 - NY adopts new constitution as an independent state. The Constitution articles legitimized the Congress in its supervision of the American Revolution, its diplomacy with Europe, and its handling of territorial issues. Nationalists complained that it was too weak, and it was replaced by the current Constitution in 1789.

1792 - France declares war on Austria, starting French Revolutionary Wars
1818 - US Medical Corp forms

1828 - 1st edition of Noah Webster's dictionary published

1865 - President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater. Lincoln was the first American president to be assassinated, though an unsuccessful attempt had been made on Andrew Jackson in 1835.

1865 - US Secret Service created to fight counterfeiting

1871 - Canada sets denominations of currency as dollars, cents, & mills

1890 - Pan American Day-1st conference of American states (Wash DC)
1894 - 1st public showing of Edison's kinetoscope (moving pictures). Though not a movie projector—it was designed for films to be viewed individually through the window of a cabinet housing its components—the Kinetoscope introduced the basic approach that would become the standard for all cinematic projection before the advent of video: it creates the illusion of movement by conveying a strip of perforated film bearing sequential images over a light source with a high-speed shutter.

1900 - President Loubet opens International Fairs in Paris

1902 - Marie & Pierre Curie isolated the radioactive element radium. Both of them shared the Nobel prizes for Physics. They were the pioneer in the field of radioactivity.

1903 - Dr Harry Plotz discovers vaccine against typhoid (NYC)

1920 - Tornadoes killed 219 people in Alabama & Mississippi

1927 - The first Volvo car premieres in Gothenburg, Sweden.

1931 - Spain becomes republic with overthrow of King Alfonso XIII
1941 - 1st massive German raid in Paris, 3,600 Jews rounded up

1944 - Freighter "Fort Stikene" explodes in Bombay India, killing 1,376

1948 - A flash of light is observed in crater Plato on Moon
1956 - Ampex Corp demonstrates 1st commercial videotape recorder

1958 - Sputnik 2 (with dog Laika) burns up in atmosphere

1969 - Tornado strikes Dacca East Pakistan killing 540
1987 - Turkey asks to join European market

1988 - USSR, US, Pakistan & Afghanistan sign Afghanistan treaty
1989 - 1,100,000,000th Chinese born
1992 - Court throws out Apple's lawsuit against Microsoft

2007 - At least 200,000 demonstrators in Ankara, Turkey protest against the possible candidacy of incumbent Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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